Michael Kennedy as just a 19 year old has earned the promotion to A+, and will be a welcome addition for the playoffs. He and Zander Mueth, also 19, have big futures ahead of them. The Pirates development of strong pitching continues, and the 2024 draft class is loaded with pitching also.

Caro fills out that IF of Blanco, YDLS, and Severino. Gourson has some talent, but he is a Sep birthday and therefore, an age 22 player who is coming to the Pirates battling 19 year olds for PT at BRD, and not much hope to get beyond A+, especially with TJ, just barely 20, well ahead of him at AA. A difficult year for a college infielder joining the Bucs.

Javier Rivas is also in his age 22 season, and truth be told, he aged out of A ball rather than earning a promotion due to performance. Unless he can start hitting HR's on a regular basis, there's no way to justify the 32% K rate. His fielding will not overcome those holes in his game.

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Pirates have fired Junior Vizcaino and the guy who headed their Latin American scouting. First tiny tidbit of accountability in the Cherington Era of Failure.

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It's fine, but still doesn't get to the heart of the issue. A new guy can bring in a whole flood of new prospects, albeit 2? years down the road since most are already agreed at this point, but won't matter if they still can't develop them.

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hopefully Baker and his lackeys are next

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This is great news! Gotta start somewhere when cleaning house

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As long as Cherington isn't hiring the replacement.

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wow finally. great news there

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Lance Brozdowski: "Pirates appear to struggle with in-zone contact%"

*Looks at player cards sitting mid-70% and lower*


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The Pirates lead the majors in swinging + called strike %. Your average Mongolian yak herder would recognize that as a sign that something is seriously wrong, but not bumbling Ben.

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The Pirates appear to struggle with baseball.

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