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It’s disappointing for fans, but of course we don’t matter anyway. Seriously, I understand why they did it and can’t argue their reasoning. Doing it this way just before a game many people were highly anticipating is anticlimactic. It would have been much easier to swallow and way more exciting for those of us looking forward to next year if they’d let him pitch an inning or two this week against Harrisburg and Crews and then shut him down for the year.

But that’s not the Pirate way, and we fans are left with no choice other than to rationalize our way around it and look to the future the same as always. Five months is a long time to wait, but it’ll be here before you know it, as they say. I just hope they have gone out and filled the holes in the major league lineup with some quality players when mid February rolls around so next year isn’t another anticlimax.

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That's exactly what happened....

The power's to be held a meeting on Federal Street on how to fuck the fanbase over again. Cherington suggested shutting down Skenes for the rest of the season and nobody in the room vetoed it.

It had absolutely nothing to do with a massive workload for LSU just a couple of months ago. It's all about giving the Docdon's of the world a massive middle finger.

Don't worry they will be ready to shove multiple shit sandwiches down your throat for consumption for the rest of your life. Simply because it's the Pirates way for the Docdon's of the world.

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I missed most of the interview, but apparently he said something about feeling tired when he was on the TV broadcast the other night with Brown and Walk. I'm guessing that had something to do with it.

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If my 10-million-dollar, generational arm, said he feels tight after games and he didn't feel it in college, it would be a complete dereliction of duties to let him pitch again this year.

The stressful games at LSU and then shutting it down for 6 weeks and ramping it right back up probably isn't good.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Fun Police, every damn time.

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Skenes was over 100 IP before the draft, and the time between the end of the CWS and the draft and all of the other hoopla was a big hiccup in his routine. And, every one of his starts for LSU was a high pressure start - from February thru the end of the CWS in June. Those were the expectations placed on this 21 year old, and he handled it all very well. Physically and mentally, he could probably use a few months to get his head together and ready for early reports to ST in Feb 2024. I like this move by the Pirates.

Not mentioned because the game was suspended, but Thomas Harrington started the game and threw another 5 excellent innings for GBO last night at Bowling Green. Should start 2024 at AA Altoona along with Paul Skenes, Anthony Solometo, and possibly Bubba Chandler. Short drive to Pittsburgh!

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What a f'n rotation.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Altoona looks like they'll possibly have a very interesting rotation to start the season. Chen, Diamond and a also a few others with the guys you mentioned.

The position players could be but who knows.

Outfield could look similar to Greensboro's currently with a hold over or 2. The infield should look very good at some point with Brannigan, Cheng, Johnson and Sightler. Hopefully they can retain Gutierrez at catcher although Hendrie wouldn't be a terrible option.

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