Cruz made a good play on the 6-3 DP ball. The asterisk is that his size resulted in awkward footwork (stumbling a tiny bit) in fielding the grounder and getting to the bag. It was a good test of his formerly broken leg.

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Thank you! A big league shortstop makes that play look easy, Oneil Cruz makes it look hard.

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What was Oneil's exit velo on the ball he hit off the building past the boardwalk in right? That had to be the hardest hit of the day, even though it was foul.

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Feb 26Liked by NolaJeffy(BnP)

AdminSky will be in attendance at games thurs and fri this week!

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Looking forward to your insights.

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Feb 26Liked by NolaJeffy(BnP)

kebryan in mid season form.

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Love the exit velo, hope he comes out firing some of those into the air

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Guessing this could be an omen for the offense this year.

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If Cherington and his crew somehow got hold of Mookie Betts, they’d turn him into Jermaine Allensworth.

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If you're just joining us, the time is 4:56 in the a.m., and this is Perspectives. I'm your host Lionel Osbourne, and with us today is baseball rookie Jermaine Allensworth who will be pumping gas if he doesn't have a good season.

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Just posted that video the other day. Super random if you just thought of the same thing. Great minds.

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Impossible to not think of it when I see that name.

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A "10"!

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Like the way Celestino and Olivares have hit the ground running. At age 25 Celestino could be living up to that $2.5 mil bonus that the Astro's signed him for as a 16 year old in 2015! As a RH hitting CF, he is more of a fit for the Pirates than Bae, and his stats from AAA last year of 18.0 BB%/15.9 K% play up also. Not so much as a base stealer.

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Is this the year those two hitting guru's Shelton and Haines breakout?

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I'd love to see it, both for the results and to see how Shelton handles it. To this point, I think he's too quick to take credit for successes and put blame for failures on "execution" by the players. I.e., he's doing everything right, it's just those darn players can't execute like he needs them to. It would be refreshing to see the opposite.

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I would also love to see it but I don't hold out much hope. I guess Nutting owns a lot of rope because the results haven't been there but they still are. Always a crap shoot being a Bucco fan, lol.

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Not much for hits/runs, but some very positive exit velo numbers - keep making good contact and the hits will come. Some impressive numbers from Hayes at 105.7 and 105.4, and then some younger 23 year olds Brannigan 108.3, Cheng 102.8, and Peguero 100.2 and 99.4.

Did not watch the game, but it took only a few minutes on Statcast to ask if LHSP/RP Cam Alldred looked as good as the numbers? Top pitcher for swings and misses (7), his Horizontal Breaks are almost all in double figures, and 44" and 45" Vertical Breaks? Low 90's 4 seam and Sinker FB, but the 78-80 mph Slider seems to be his money pitch. Had been a successful LHRP at AAA and did see MLB for an inning in 2022, but last year the Pirates used him mostly as a SP - 17 Starts, 14 RP appearances, 106 IP at AAA. Thought he should have been brought up last year based on his work at AAA. Entering his age 28 season, and he could be a valuable guy to have in the BP.

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Just from watching, Allred’s outing started off rocky as I recall but he recovered and was effective

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Most of the swings and misses came on FBs up, iirc, typically 91 mph. I guess you can do that if you do it right.

Anyway, it’s good he’s still around.

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I agree. He has been eligible for the Rule 5 Draft the past few years, and after the year he had in 2023 I thought some team would select him. It's guys like this who labor in anonymity, and then it all comes together for them - at least I hope so. That extra tick or two with velo can help him a lot.

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Which, IIRC, he was always more high 80's, but started creeping more frequently into the low 90's last year as a starter.

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7 swinging strikes, 3 were Sliders. One swinging strike on a 4 seam, one on a sinking FB, and one on a Changeup. If we were trying to trade for a power hitting CF (Pereira) from a team needing RP's (NYY), would Borucki be enough? We already have Chapman, Hernandez, Falter, and Alldred.

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I thought he looked impressive last night, but he gave up two pretty deep fly balls. I looked up his minor league stats which looked good as well, except he gave up 16 homers in 105 innings. That type of approach might work at PNC, but not sure it will work at Cincinnati or Wrigley when the wind is blowing out.

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As a RP his numbers were VG. As a SP in 2023, he began to throw 4 pitches and start to see the lineup twice or three times. I think if he sticks with the Sinker and Slider as his primaries for 90% of his pitches and mixes in 10% Changeups, he can be a solid RP for 1 or 2 innings max.

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Is dooming ever appropriate in spring training?

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The deeper the doom the higher the boom babaayyyy

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Yes, dooming is the only acceptable spring training response!

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