Blanco a bust?

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“When it comest to prospects where we have exit velocity data on, no one has a better 95th percentile mark than Martin at 109.1 mph.”

According to BA, Blanco is at a different level

“The younger Blanco is a big man who can put a charge into a baseball. His average and 90th percentile exit velocities already hover around 93 and 114 mph, making him one of the hardest teenaged ball-strikers in the sport.”

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Nikcy G for sure deserves an Honorable Mention. Hits the ball hard with lots of balls in the air to the pull side.

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60 extra bases in 134 games in 2023

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my brothers in christ take one look at lonnie white and tell me he's still growing into anything.

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Power is the tool the system is lacking the most in my opinion. I would be happy if they went for power with their first 3 picks in the draft next year.

I also wouldn't mind a trade for power. I doubt the possibility of a trade for Vlad Jr. ($ alone for his last 2 years of arbitration) but a legitimate 30+ homerun hitter in the middle of the lineup could help make up the run deficit. Plus homeruns are fun when our guys hits them.

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Allow me to interrupt this thread to stand and applaud Trevor May for his comments regarding the Oakland A’s Owner during his retirement press conference. Telling him to take Mommy and Daddy’s money and spend it elsewhere was noteworthy to say the least.

There are certainly many Titans of the business world who understand it’s best to create a winning culture for the company, its’ employees, and its’ customers. Those are the guys and gals who create wealth, not inherit it, in almost every case.

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Just watched that part of Trevor May's podcast on tytsports you video. John Fisher is just another billionaire gaming the system off of the taxpayers backs!

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I liked what Trevor May had to say because it is true about the Athletics owner and a few others owners. I wish it came from a player that was actually cheated out of money as opposed to Trevor May (who was not). May was the highest paid Athletic getting over $7 million for the season to close games that hardly mattered. Probably a below average reliever, not to mention closer. Money could have been spent better elsewhere. Now May is retiring at the young age of 34 because he says he wants to retire on his terms. Not many 34 year olds can say that.

Again I agree with what he said, but I wish it came from someone else.

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I don’t think where that message came from matters at all. Just that a player somewhere said it.

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Sorry. If you want to get technical about it, a player saying something about it doesn't matter. Doing something about it does. This should have been addressed during the 2021-2022 lock-out.

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