Oct 13·edited Oct 13Liked by WTM

Wild that Jason Delay will be 30 next season and he has 2 options. Liover Peguero will be 24 and has no options.

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I think Peguero is getting an extra option. I'm not sure maybe Anthony or Ethan knows.

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Wonder what the exception would be?

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Ethan just confirmed he should have an option remaining. It was in his article on service time and options.

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I'm not sure, I think Ethan mentioned it but I might be getting Peguero mixed up with someone else. Maybe he spent enough time on the IL? Something in my memory is telling me he's eligible for an extra option though, I could be wrong.

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Bae is a keeper still in my mind, DLC is trash. I would not resign Cutch. Falter would be trade bait as I think this is his high water mark. Peguero is still interesting to me as much as Tripoli and IKF are.

Power is crucial this offseason as the team is so limited there

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What is attractive about Bae? I don’t see it. Falter showed me enough this year and the only lefty starter, he’s inexpensive, so I’m keeping him. I’m a little confused why Peggy didn’t get more PT, but they must have soured on him (Marte trade has yielded nada).

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Oct 13Liked by WTM

5 years into the rebuild. That roster is disappointing.

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You are being nice. It is beyond awful and would be unacceptable to any owner truly attempting to win.

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Wentz is the next left handed success story in BC’s tenure

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Oct 13Author

Next after whom?

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anderson, cantina, borucki, falter, wentz

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$4 million for BDLC, $3.2 million for Connor Joe and $1 million for Heller are the estimated arb salaries next year according to PG. that’s almost enough to get bring Chapman back, or a similar reliever next year.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Author

I've been meaning to mention this, just as an interesting aside. BA has a detailed article about how the Red Sox are overhauling their hitting development system. It talks about the four things they're focusing on -- bat speed, swing decisions, etc. The substance isn't exactly earth-shattering, but that's not my point here.

What's striking to me is that Boston folks talked to BA about all this. The Pirates claim to have this super-advanced "process," but have you ever seen anybody with the team talk about the details, even very broad details? Any specifics at all? I sure haven't. If it's so vital to keep all this stuff a secret, why are the Sox willing to talk about it? Are they stupid? Hmm, lessee . . . since Cherington became GM, Bos is two games under .500 in by far the toughest division in MLB. The Pirates are 120 under in a middling division in the weaker league. So who's stupid?

I think it's because the Pirates don't acutally have a coherent "process." It's just a mantra they repeat to explain obviously idiotic decisions. What they have is a legion of non-baseball dweebs whose job is to tell Cherington what a genius he is, and who sit around looking for "data" like, "Hey, Bryan De La Cruz had a game in 2022 where he had an EV over 95 in three of four ABs. If he could do that consistently, he'd be a bargain!"

There's no process, no plan. There's just a bunch of overpaid nobodies building Fortress Non-Accountability while Nutwit counts his nickels.

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Oct 13Liked by WTM

Unlike Huntington, I’ve never heard Ben coherently explain what the plan is. Not even an outline, broad strokes, anything. So when you can’t offer details beyond buzzwords like “build”, no way he goes into any detail on things like hitting development programs. I wonder if there even is a plan. Makes you think it’s like the Wizard of Oz: “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”

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Oct 13Liked by WTM

100,000% spot on!

I was just thinking about this a few days ago. I get “GM speak,” where it’s basically a word salad on the weekly talk show hits, but Cherington has never laid out what his approach is outside of the most generic BS you can give.

He’s never said how, as a “small market” team, he plans to create a contender. I get not wanting to give up the goose, but it just seems like the team is trying to build in the same way a mid-payroll or high-payroll team does. Allocating 7.5M for what IKF provides, trading for BLDC, etc is evidence that there is no workable plan in place that will increase the chance of winning.

I love Reynolds, but even extending him through his decline does not match up with what a team with such a low budget needs to do to win big. The Hayes extension was/is more in line with what they need to do- even if that looks like it won’t work out. Someone like Cruz, who has the physical ability to be an impact player is who you target. The Braves signed Acuna, Albies and others to great deals (so long as they stay(ed) healthy. Instead, they’re committing a lot of payroll to Reynolds and Keller (both of whom I really like, just not at what they’ll start getting compared to what is spent each year in total payroll).

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Opportunities for a lot of free agent/trade upgrades.......but we are stuck with Bob and his not spending ways. If they could add a couple solid hitters to take the pressure off of the younger guys, maybe this team could make some noise like Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee......

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Oct 13Liked by WTM

That write-up just screams for the old Chuck Noll response.

Q: Was it difficult to make all those cuts?

Chuck: No, stopping was the difficult part.

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It's incredible that Cherington wasn't fired with his roster building. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a worse performance by a pirates gm than this past year. His off season acquisitions were a disaster and every trade was a failure

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Oct 13Author

He's kind of the opposite of Lake Woebegone, where all the children are above average.

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