Not one word about Tellez here! Shhh things have gotten quiet. I was seeing the same thing BC was seeing with the top 5 EV's that AM posts everyday back in April/May. And another high EV today of 115!

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Yeah, doing what you're being paid to do often goes unrewarded. I don't think the criticism he received for doing nothing the first two months of the season makes anyone a hypocrite for it.

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Absolutely. Lefty McThump producing is what we expect. Not a guy hitting 100 points below his actual weight.

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I have a feeling Jones is due for a phantom IL trip. I could see it happening as soon as Perez comes back.

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Any of yinz have a BA sub that would like to share who they mocked to us at 9 and 37?

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Griffin at 9 sounds like they are in on the top 2 high school bats, and nephew Bryce Meccage at 37 prep RHP from NJ that they have been in on

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Awesome, thanks man

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“we’re going to keep taking shots on less-proven guys who have pitch qualities that we believe can translate to major league success…and over time, we’re gonna hit on enough of those and it’s gonna add up to a good bullpen.” Cherington on how he thinks about building a bullpen

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Sounds like a fairly standard strategy, but it’s not what he’s actually been doing. He’s been going after fringy guys who had brief, decent stretches, but whose sell-by dates passed 2-3 years ago. Santana’s the latest example. Huntington was way better at this than Cherington.

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relievers are expensive now because all teams think they are in it

best bet is to put Martin Perez in the bullpen and call up Ashcraft

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I liked how Fleming was used yesterday. They kept pitching him until he gave up a couple baserunners in the 5th. Mlodzinski did an nice job in the 5th and 6th. I would have liked to see him go out there for the 7th also instead of using Bruihl again. It was nice to see Nicolas finish out the 8th and 9th.

Long story short, down the stretch we might only have 2 legit starters and another seven 3 to 6 inning guys (with four 1 inning guys). Who starts and who piggy backs I'm not sure matters that much.

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Yeah I can't really think of any one particular thing Cherington has been good at.

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i like that he trades for international money and 17 year olds instead of major league ready players

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You mean you don't miss Andy Laroche and Lastings Milledge?

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Now if he only had a plan to develop those 17 year olds at all. Then we'd really have something!

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Players I'd move up...

Yean, Peralta, Woods & McAdoo.

Are Plaz & Alfonzo the best prospects in Bradenton?

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Or Delgado and Reed.

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I think it's clearly Javy Rivas now with his .429/1.333 june

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Plaz might be better than Alfonzo.

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Plaz probably leads the organization in 450 ft blasts lol.

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And I’d probably move Alfonzo up, especially if Forrester returns, but the Ross thing is getting interesting.

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very interesting

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

I'm intrigued with Keiner...a lot of complaints when he was acquired for JTB.

Seriously though, Peralta has a .067 era, with a FIP of 1.90, while k'ing 15/9. He's 23 and needs to move up. He might be someone that can help the MLB pen this year. Was it Edgar Santana that flew through the ranks and helped the MLB pen?

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Yeah, when a reliever appears like that, sometimes you’re just missing a good thing if you wait.

And the Indy and Altoona bullpens are dumpster fires.

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Just looked at the transaction log, Burrows and Shortridge assigned to FCL for rehab.

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Thomas Harrington with a very efficient 5 inning Shutout at AA, and Eddie Yean (Josh Bell Trade) also at Altoona seems to have found his way to becoming a solid RP. 5 Holds so far and his career high is 7 holds at A+.

GBO maintaining a slim lead for winning the First Half - when does the First Half end?

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20th for Greensboro and Bradenton. 23rd for AA/AAA

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So, maybe only 3 or 4 games? My concern is the promotion of McAdoo, Johnson, Brannigan, and possibly Cimillo (is he pretty much a DH-only)?

McAdoo hit the ground running straight out of the draft last year (.923 OPS at BRD) and has done nothing but improve at GBO - leads the team in doubles and RBI, close to the leaders in HR, plays strong in the field at 2 or 3 positions, VG BB/K rates, 12/15 SB, and a slash of 344/423/576/998 OPS. What a Draft Steal in the 13th Round!

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He needs to be in Altoona to see if this is real.

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I think McAdoo is the only one guaranteed to move up. Brannigan on IL right now. Termarr has been improving, but still think he will probably stay at GBO for now.

Cimillo possibly. I’d like to see him pushed but we will see.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

gino cimolli?

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We could use him.

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TJ was at an .841 OPS at GBO in 2023 in about 100 AB and then put up a 1.052 OPS in 15 Games in ST with the Pirates. He could have thought he had earned the promotion to AA out of ST, and really did not have his head in the right place the first few weeks of the season. Not an attitude problem, just a very young and very talented player who wants to move fast - it's the generation!

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About as nice of a kid you are going to get. Not an attitude at all. The physical tools are there. I think he see a lot of junk because no one wants to pitch to him and it might be creating some bad habits. Just guessing on that part though.

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Termarr honestly needs to move up to see better pitching. He's just going to walk and expand his strike zone constantly in A+. Nobody is pitching to him. The results aren't what you want but they're also unlikely to change.

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I'd actually be down for a challenge promotion for that reason.

Not terribly confident he's got the goods right now to succeed, but there's no penalty in a demotion if he doesn't.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Players don't usually get promoted for bad performances, but I think I agree with you on this one.

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Homestand vs Reds and Rays, not Braves.

I think there are currently 9 teams within 2 games of each other in the race for last two wildcard spots. Which means there’s no chance of a meaningful trade to help the bullpen anytime soon.

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The extra wildcards added just makes the winter signings all the more important. Surely GM's saw this coming.....but did BC?

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I think the next few weeks are going to say a lot. Let's hope this doesn't happen, but if the Pirates go 6-14 we are probably going to be sellers in a sellers market. If the Pirates go 14-6, I think you will see the Pirates trade away some prospects. If the standings stay the same, I'm not sure any team is going to do too much with a 2 of 9 chance to play the Phillies or Dodgers. Just guessing.

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Not sure I trust this guy to make a meaningful trade lol

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I want a hitter for the OF.

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They said on ESPN last night, teams are asking Oakland about Miguel Andujar who is hitting .305.

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Me 2. Unfortunately so do other teams including the Braves and Dodgers.

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No clue where I got ATL from lol. It's fixed.

Yea trade market going to be rough, too many teams in the mix. Might have to hold out till things start to clear up.

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if they do. I know it is way too early, but being a fan of a close to mediocre team I find checking the standings fun. I wish baseball would use day 163 to play a one game series in case there is a tie for the last spot. Even better use days 163 and 164 if more than two teams tie for the last spot.

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Fortune favors the bold

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